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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/23/2014
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 23, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Chairman Genest upstairs in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Genest, Mr. Webber, Mr. Robertson
Staff present:    Galen Stearns (Town Administrator), Scott Lester (Police Chief)

  • Mr. Webber motioned to approve the BOS minutes of April 28, 2014, Mr. Genest 2nd.  Passed 2/0/1 with Mr. Robertson abstaining
  • Mr. Webber motioned to approve the BOS minutes of June 10, 2014, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 2/0/1 with Mr. Genest abstaining
  • Mr. Webber motioned to approve the Sealed Non-public BOS minutes of June 10, 2014, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 2/0/1 with Mr. Genest abstaining
  • Ms. Terrie Gillespie stated that Mr. Vince Barto was ill and could not attend the meeting and gave the Selectmen a statement that he had written.  The board and residents discussed the current situation after the brush has been cleared and what other possibilities could be used to improve the intersection.  The thoughts were :
  • Stop sign
  • Flashing light
  • Pedestrian controlled light
  • Rumble strips
  • Speed bump (removable)
  • Cut-back the banking next to Shea Field
The board will have the Road Agent and Mr. Stearns look at possible improvement for this intersection and discuss at the next BOS Mtg.

  • Mr. Haggett presented the board with the bids that he has received for the heating system / chimney relining and the rebuilding for the South chimney.  These are:
  • Furnace / Chimney
  • Mercier engineering                             $13,285.00
  • Olde Hearth Chimney Service             $  3,588.46
  • South Chimney replacement
  • Fuller Masonry                                  $14,500.00
Mr. Haggett explained the process that has been undertaken to evaluate the heating system and the chimneys as well as having had Breadloaf give an evaluation of the system.  He explained that these single source bids were for a system that was recommended by Breadloaf and that Paul Mercier had spent considerable time in the Library designing a system what will meet the needs as well as provide a redundant backup system.   He chimney will be lined with a 10” stainless steel liner.  
Mr. Genest motioned to award the south chimney rebuild using the existing bricks to Fuller Masonry for $14,500,  Mr. Webber 2nd, passed 3/0
Mr. Genest motioned to award the Heating system replacement to Mecier Engineering & Olde Hearth Chimney Service for $13,285 & $3,588.46 respectively,  Mr. Webber 2nd, passed 3/0
  • Mr. Stearns presented a complaint to the board from Janet McEwen.  Mr. Stearns stated that Ms. McEwen had called to office and requested that she be allowed to sign-out some septic design plans to be uses for a septic inspection and had been refused.  She stated that she wanted to make sure the selectmen were aware of the refusal and that she also felt the copying fees charged by Antrim were to high.  Mr. Stearns read RSA 41:61 to the board which states:   Inspection. –~No town officer having the custody of its public records or documents shall loan the same or permit them to be taken from the place where they are usually kept except when necessary for the discharge of official duty or upon the summons of a court of competent authority; and they shall be open at all proper times for public inspection and examination. The board discussed the possibility of a Town employee taking large plans that cannot be copied in the office to a printing business to have copies made within a few days’ time period and charging the requestor the cost of making the copies,  Mr. Stearns will work with those making request for large plans.  The board discussed the  the copy fees with Mr. Webber stating that he would not be opposed to reducing the fees to $0.50 per page, Mr. Genest and Mr. Robertson felt that the $1.00 per page was justified and want to leave the fee as it stands.
  • Chief Lester presented the board with an updated fee schedule for contracted police details.  The new fee will be $60.00 per our w/o a cruiser and $70.00 per hour with a cruiser.  Mr. Genest motioned to approve the new fee schedule, Mr. Robertson 2nd, passed 3/0
  • Mr. Stearns presented the board with a fee schedule for the Transfer Station and explained that a resident had questioned Mr. Webber about the cost to dispose of mattresses and felt that the $25.00 fee was excessive.  Mr. Stearns showed the board a recent invoice showing that the Town pays $25.00 to have mattresses disposed of and that we are just passing the cost along.  Mr. Stearns asked the board to review the fees and they will be on the agenda for next meeting for approval.
  • Mr. Stearns requested that the board allow the Police Department to dispose of old equipment that is stored in the basement of the Town Hall and to use any proceeds to purchase equipment for the Police Department.  Chief Lester explained that the equipment came from old cruisers that have been sold and was no longer usable for the current cruisers.  Mr. Genest motioned to allow the PD to dispose of old equipment and to use the proceeds to purchase other equipment for the PD, Mr. Robertson 2nd, passed 3/0
  • Mr. Stearns presented a real estate tax exemption application from Overseas United Education Foundation, Inc., he stated that he has spoken with the DRA that they do not meet the criteria of RSA 72:23 IV at this item as they currently do not have any students and are not operations as an educational facility at this time.  Mr. Genest motioned to deny the exemption request, Mr. Robertson 2nd, passed 3/0
  • Tax Abatement requests for 2013:
  • TDS – recommendation from George Sansoucy to deny request due to lack of information provided by the company.  Mr. Webber motioned to deny, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0
  • FairPoint Communications – recommendation from George Sansoucy to deny request due to lack of information provided by the company.  Mr. Webber motioned to deny, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0
  • PSNH - recommendation from George Sansoucy to deny request due to lack of information provided by the company.  Mr. Webber motioned to deny, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0
  • 102-037 Affholter – John Hatfield recommends granting based on adjusting depreciation of the house from $155,130 to $141,500.  Mr. Genest motioned to grant abatement of $13,630.00, Mr. Webber 2nd, passed 3/0
  • 103-106 Davis - John Hatfield recommends granting based on adjusting depreciation of the house from $261,200 to $244,400.  Mr. Genest motioned to grant abatement of $16,400.00, Mr. Webber 2nd, passed 3/0
  • 232-035-001 Kevit – Mr. Webber motioned to table this abatement request, Mr. Robertson 2nd, passed 3/0
  • 232-033 Troy Z Property – John Hatfield recommends denying this request as the Quonset hut had been removed from the property card in November of 2012.   Mr. Genest motioned to deny the abatement request, Mr. Webber 2nd, passed 3/0
  • 206-015 Valday – John Hatfield recommends that this application be denied.  The reason for the abatement request was that neighbors valuation went down by a greater percentage, revaluation was performed to bring all properties to market value.  Mr. Robertson motioned to deny abatement  request, Mr. Webber 2nd, passed 3/0
  • 246-007 Valeriani – John Hatfield recommends granting this abatement request from $284,110 to $282,210.  Assessment revised based on owner’s issues that were verified.  Mr. Webber motioned to grant an abatement of $1,900.00, Mr. Robertson 2nd, passed 3/0
  • 206-027 Weymouth – John Hatfield recommends granting this abatement request from $444,510 to $410,990.  The quality of the building was adjusted to be more in line with like properties.  Mr. Webber motioned to grant an abatement of $33,520, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0
  • Mr. Stearns requested that the board set future meeting dates, the board decided to hold meetings on July 21, August 18 & September 15.
  • Mr. Webber motioned to go into Non-Public under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) Hiring, Mr. Genest 2nd, roll call vote Mr. Webber – yes, Mr. Robertson – yes, Mr. Genest - yes.
  • The board returned from Non-public at 8:51.
  • There being no further business, Mr. Webber motioned to adjourn, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 3/0.  Meeting adjourned at 8:52 PM